"Literature" Review of Materials Informatics Software

Future materials informatics must learn from and be informed by the successes and failures of the past. Below is a list of services in disparate materials applications to organize digital assets including codes, data, and knowledge.

The Class Project will require each student to choose a web-based materials science tool from the list below. Then you will:

  • Explore websites to learn more about the service’s intent
  • Search for Literature References to the tool
  • Discover external opinions

Please create a gist and keep track of your learning. There is an example post that has been started for DREAM.3D.

Report Format

  1. Choose a Service that has not been selected below.
    • Selected posts will have a gist SHA to the right of the post.
    • More than one person can report on a service once all of the slots have been selected.
    • Pick a tool relevent to your field. Some of these tools are strictly for electronic or structural materials.
  2. Make a Gist
    • The Gist should contain one Markdown file; .markdown or .md is the extension.
    • Be sure to use the #,##,### syntax to make an intuitive hierarchical list of information of the service.
  3. In the disqus comment box, please tell me which tool you would like to choose and the hash for the gist you will be updating.

    An example comment to reserve DREAM.3D includes a SHA to the gist report:

    DREAM.3D 02f6ee2e621cb3ed43f9

    the gist sha uniquely identifies it, the username is not needed.

  4. I‘ll make a post for your gist.
  5. You will update your gist and tell us about what other awesome tools we can use.

Materials Science Services

0.   Dream3d

|  02f6ee2e62  

1.   Citrination


2.   Harvard Clean Energy Project

electronic materials,simulation,experiment
|  b9e76659f8   |  5642460f06  

3.   MatWeb

|  4ae9a7822f  

4.   AFLOW

electronic materials
|  6b953ac03b  


first principles,ab initio,electronic,structural,LAMMPS,Molecular Dynamcis
|  a7b20d089d   |  e10da44fa0   |  11730086e9  
|  66b818c8c8  
|  e4654be17c  
|  3e12df4295   |  4e4f8963fd  
|  b3abac6743  

10.   NIST Potentials Repository

molecular dynamics,electronic potentials
|  6d4f0c3c46  

12.   CMD Network

|  8cafd0db00